"Cocooning" delves into the intricate relationship between the woman's body and the cycle of the seasons, drawing parallels between the four seasons and the four stages of the menstrual cycle. It examines how the structure of society works around a man's 24-hour hormonal cycle, disrupting the natural 28-day rhythm of the female body.
The work explores how Menstruation reflects the introspection of winter, as the body and mind undergo similar challenges akin to facing winter's harsh elements. The Follicular phase mimics spring, with a rise in mood and a burst of new energy. Summer is Ovulation: a time in which one feels most confident and productive, and Autumn is the Luteal Phase, as the body starts experiencing a feeling of ‘cocooning’.
The wood takes on a shape reminiscent of a 'Cocoon,' protecting what is within. Accompanying this, the inner still lifes resemble tidal formations collected from the shoreline, demonstrating how the cyclical rhythm of the moon's cycle affects not only menstruation but the gravitational pull of the Earth's tides.
Small wooden concertina book
Self Portrait